Ari Immonen
Service Director
Keijo Pulkkinen
Country Manager, Finland
Jaakko Hietajärvi
Customer Success Team Lead
Juha Ylilauri
Customer Success Manager
Ilkka Juusola
Customer Success Manager
Jan Mäkelä
Autori has offered software solutions to customers since 1988. Our stakeholders are authorities, contractors and consultants operating within infrastructure maintenance, such as road and street management. Our solutions have achieved wide recognition for innovative solutions and usefulness to the customers’ operations.
Our competitiveness is based on continuous development, knowledge about our customers' industry and creativity to combine the latest technology with customer specific needs.
Autori is a Software company that aims to be a preferred provider of software solutions with operations based on continuous innovation and development by following global trends.
Our operations and offerings for more efficient maintenance support sustainable development at the same time. We strive to help our customers by providing a real-time and up-to-date situational awareness of the assets, and enhance its maintenance by ensuring efficient information flow. Environmental impacts are part of the goals of every responsible actor, for both companies and individuals.
The Autori platform is a modern, secure and versatile platform that runs on the Microsoft Azure cloud service. Autori is integrated with other IT-systems and IoT sensors to make infrastructure maintenance even more efficient.
Thanks to several system integrations and task specific functionalities, our customers improve their operations and get a better, real-time overview of the tasks they are doing within road and street or utility grid maintenance.
We have developed industry- and task specific products together with our customers. Some of the functionalities can also be customized according to customer specific needs.
Our customer relations are based on close partnerships. Our focus is on achieving common goals by continuously improving our services and operational models using the latest software that we provide.
Kiviharjunlenkki 1B
90220 Oulu